Hidden Champion.
We know our way around leading brands that are flying a bit under the radar. But so far none was flying as low as this one. Literally.
Toro from Bloomington Minnesota is looking back on a 100 year legacy as one of the most successful companies in turf maintenance. Golf players around the world certainly know the characteristic red mowers. Yet, one highly innovative Toro product you will only find in the ground: high-tech sprinklers. We developed a new communication concept for their flagship-product, the Infinty Series.

And who could speak better for a tool like this than the greenkeepers of the world, which work with the sprinklers every day? Right for our first video shooting we took a trip to the highest acclaimed golf course of all, the Old Course in St Andrews, Scotland. What we created there is far more than a product video or an advertising clip. It’s an homage to the tremendous effort of man and machine, turning a rugged and rough nature into a world-class golf course.