
Corporate Design

See-truu effect.

In the water filter market, the truu brand is unique since its products pick up where others have already left off. We have made that crystal clear. Right down to the tiniest detail.



Many a medium-sized company grows almost imperceptibly into new fields and markets. Like the Mursall Group - from window construction to facade technology to glass coating. With our help, it also has a crystal-clear signature.


Fashion statement.

How do you call a new kind of fashion consulting, provided by a small team of experienced fashion professionals? Well, we called it 'the farm' and provided them with a corporate design on top.


The world how we like it.

A unique concept deserves a unique imagery. See, what we stitched together for the fashion consultants from 'the farm'.


Heads full of character.

Golf sprinklers may not win design awards. Yet, we made them look damn good in our brochure.


At home in the streets
of the city

Longing for a haven of home. Real estate as a pension plan. Selling the inherited house. How do people build trust to a real estate agent in this sensitive matter?


Shaken, not stirred

Quickcap are nutritional supplements, served via an ingenious small cap. We blazed its way with a lot of energy. Or as we put it in short: Push it. Shake it. Feel it.


Your heart is listening.

Christina Stürmer is one of the most famous singers in the German speaking countries. She has won numerous awards and just recently conducted a fabulous reboot. We were allowed to play along.


Everything gets better.

Our friend Karin Hammermann, an experienced fashion executive, decided to go her own way. Knowing she wouldn’t make everything different. But most of it a tad bit better.


The missing _ink.

Oversized media suffering from undersized ideas: When assigned by German CITIBANK / TARGOBANK to work out some motifs for their “door drops”, we were more than _appy to help.
